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Are you in need of Shelter?

The Oasis offers temporary housing for those in need.  We have a limited amount of space. 

Housing is provided until provision can be made for employment and a person can be self sufficient.

Counseling and Bible study are a requirement to obtain housing through the Oasis.

Our housing has been provided for you by contractors who have devoted their own time to help create unique shipping container homes!  For that we are truly thankful  More homes are added as workers are provided.  For this we are thankful!

Welcome to North Miami!  In the middle of the city there is a great place where you can find hope and peace!  The Oasis Restoration Center was founded by Pastor Alejandro Martinez in 1998. 

Miami is a beautiful city where the very rich and the very poor live in close proximity.  It’s a city of beautiful art, beautiful people and beautiful beaches. But also a place of sadness, and poverty.

In the heart of this, there are many poor and suffering people who need hope.  They need Jesus.  He is the truth, the way and the Life.  John 14:16.   Pastor Martinez immigrated to the United States, educated at the Rhema Bible College in Oklahoma.  He applied for citizenship and then began a ministry in Hollywood, Florida to help the the helpless, the homeless and the hungry. We provide for the needs of the people with resources and with the Word, the Bread of Life.

Pastor Martinez believes that when we meet the needs of those around us, we can lift them up, and bring peace to their lives.  Showing them the way through Jesus Christ is the answer.

Since 1998, The Oasis Restoration Center has provided, shelter, food, clothing and counseling to thousands of individuals and families. Helping them on a path to self-sufficiency. 

We are a nondenominational and nonprofit organization.  We appreciate your assistance with volunteers, finances, and resources.  The Oasis would not be where it is today without our Lord and without your support. 

Who is it for?

Housing is for those in dire need who have no where to go. Housing is limited and temporary. We offer special housing for families, women with children and a men’s dormitory.

Bible study and Counseling is required to help our brothers and sisters find employment and training to become self reliant and leaning on Jesus.

God is our protection and our strength. He always helps in times of trouble. So we will not be afraid even if the earth shakes, or the mountains fall into the sea, even if the oceans roar and foam, or the mountains shake at the raging sea. Selah There is a river that brings joy to the city of God, the holy place where God Most High lives.

Psalm 46:1-4

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A Place of Restoration

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